Virginia Sampson was a full-time caregiver to her husband for three years after he was diagnosed with A.L.S. while caring for four young children. Her youngest child was two weeks old when they received the diagnosis. She was also a part-time caregiver to her mother for 10 years. Her mother suffered from dementia and other illnesses.
Virginia has been an attorney for over 30 years. She currently practices Elder Law, Estate Planning, Probate, and Business Law in the Central Texas area.
Listen in as we go over the 5 documents caregivers need to be in compliance to care for their loved ones which are:
HIPPA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 allows an appointed person or party to share specific health information with another person or group.
SDPOA - Statutory Durable Power of Attorney appoints an agent to make financial decisions for your loved one. The difference between a General POA versus Durable POA is the General ends the moment your loved one becomes incapacitated where the Durable POA stays effective until the principal dies.
MPOA - Medical Power of Attorney is given wide latitude when consenting to health care on the principal's behalf. An agent may consent, refuse to consent, or withdraw consent to medical treatment and may make decisions about withdrawing or withholding life-sustaining treatment.
Advance Directive (DNR) - A written statement of a person's wishes regarding medical treatment, often including a living will be made to ensure those wishes are carried out should your loved one be unable to communicate them to a doctor. The AD is more specific and appreciated by the medical profession than a DNR or Do Not Resuscitate notice.
Declaration of Legal Guardianship - Written declaration or will for who your loved one would want to be the guardian of their person and guardian of their estate if a court found them legally incapacitated and need a guardianship.
Virginia is a consultant and coach helping businesses and individuals harness the power of compassion to heal, succeed, and thrive.
In addition to her law practice, Virginia writes and speaks about compassion and self-compassion. She is an award-winning author of two books on the subject of compassion – one for adults and a picture book for children.
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